1999.12.26 Their own private “milenyo”
1999.12.19 Movie-making and the millennium
1999.12.12 Life in a medicalized society
1999.12.05 Smart talk in a globalized world
1999.11.28 Issues in Seattle
1999.11.21 A mother’s mind
1999.11.14 Political literacy and the talk-show
1999.10.31 Antidote to despair
1999.10.24 Wahid
1999.10.17 The dilemmas of a coup
1999.10.10 Indonesia: Can the center hold?
1999.10.03 Birdlife, wild and caged
1999.09.19 Death’s practicalities
1999.09.12 The UP law deanship issue
1999.09.05 Things numinous
1999.08.29 Religion and the Constitution
1999.08.22 The conversation of rallies
1999.08.15 The August 20 issues
1999.08.01 The Sandiganbayan’s defining moment
1999.07.25 The press and the powerful
1999.07.18 Justice and the poor
1999.07.11 Punishment without humiliation
1999.07.04 The silence of mothers
1999.06.27 The future of university education
1999.06.20 The remoteness of fathers
1999.06.13 The nation in our imagination
1999.06.06 E-mail and memory
1999.05.30 Society of the spectacle
1999.05.09 On being pro-poor
1999.05.02 Wanted: a president for UP
1999.04.25 When parents graduate
1999.04.18 Dealing with the armed left
1999.04.11 Newspapers as a public trust
1999.04.04 Redemption by redescription
1999.03.28 Food abstinence: Leviticus and Marvin Harris
1999.03.21 Feminizing fraternities
1999.03.14 “Lolo Ding” at 80
1999.03.07 Lament for Nino
1999.02.28 “Shall we dance?”
1999.02.21 People power
1999.02.14 Realizing oneself, speaking for others
1999.02.07 Our own new eyes
1999.01.31 The quest for difference
1999.01.24 The dark threads of human behavior
1999.01.17 Debating death, defending life
1999.01.09 Moral progress and the death penalty
1999.01.03 The first day of the rest of our lives